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June 2024

It has allowed me a freedom I didn't think possible with diabetes


I've used an insulin pump for over 10 years, and it has definitely broken down barriers with my diabetes - but it wasn't until I started using control iq and my tslim x2 that I feel like I've really started living the life I wanted to. The freedom not only applies to exercise, but being less anxious around eating out and socialising has been a huge win for me too. I know that my pump can handle pretty much anything I throw at it and that is so brilliant. Since stepping into the world of tslim I've completed my first triathlon! And I've signed up to a half marathon! I never would have been brave enough to do that before. My tslim has introduced the ability to be spontaneous with exercise and I never thought that was possible before. It has allowed me to be less frightened of hypos because of the functions available and for the first time in years, I can sleep through the night! Suddenly I have more brain space because it's not being taken up by decisions about my diabetes every second of the day. My quality of life has improved so much. It really has been a game changer.

It has allowed me a freedom I didn't think possible with diabetes and I can't wait to break down more barriers in the future.

About Making Diabetes Easier

Air Liquide Healthcare UK is committed to improving quality of life for people with diabetes. Our healthcare teams provide patients and their loved ones with education, support and personalisation of care.

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