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Privacy Notice

Respect for privacy and use of personal data

The privacy and the security of your information is very important to us. Air Liquide’s policy is to respect and protect the privacy of our service users and customers. Your Healthcare Professional has shared your personal information with Air Liquide in order to provide a contractual healthcare service to you. Air Liquide will not voluntarily disclose individually identifiable information about you to anyone, unless there is a lawful or contractual requirement for us to do so. We will never forward your personal data on to third parties for direct marketing purposes without your consent.

Why we hold and process your data

Air Liquide requires your personal data in order to provide medicines and/or medical equipment in accordance with the instruction of your Healthcare Professional. We only request, store and process the minimum amount of personal information necessary for carrying out the service and enabling us to deliver medical prescribed drug(s) and/or medical devices/therapy(s) as ordered by your Healthcare Professional. This may include for
example name, address including postal code, date of birth, next of kin, contact telephone number etc. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
This data is initially disclosed to Air Liquide Healthcare by the Healthcare Professional responsible for prescribing your medical prescribed drug(s) and/or medical devices/therapy[s Failure to provide the necessary data required to carry out the terms, may result in termination of the service provided by Air Liquide.

Procedure for collecting your personal data

Service User personal data may be collected in a variety of different ways including:
● Directly from you (whether in writing or verbally)
● Healthcare Professionals and/or Healthcare authorities responsible for, or involved in, the supply of your medical therapy.
● Any representative or next of kin involved in your care.
Any other third party with whom we share your information (as listed below). Your personal data is held securely with appropriate access controls; in accordance with Data Protection requirements. Statutory and Contractual retention periods apply in all instances. Further information relating to retention periods can be obtained from the company’s Data Protection Officer.

It is important that your personal data is kept up to date

Air Liquide will take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal data is complete, accurate and kept up to date.
However, it is also your responsibility to update the company with immediate effect should any of your personal information/data change. The consequence of not providing up to date information could result in error and inaccuracies which could be detrimental to both you as the service user and Air Liquide.

Sharing of your personal data

As mentioned above we will not voluntarily disclose your personal data to any third party unless there is a lawful or contractual requirement for us to do so. Due to the nature of our service, we will share your personal information and any associated device usage data where relevant in order to deliver our company contractual obligations, where applicable, with organisations that are fully compliant with Air Liquide’s data protection policies and standards, and on request from your Healthcare Professional. Where Approved third party contractors manage any Air Liquide systems or applications, they are vetted and risk assessed against ISO 27001 standards before onboarding.
Your data will be shared with:
● Your prescribing Clinician (to include your hospital care team, doctor, home care team)
● Your local CHO / HSE / NHS (where applicable)
● Your local Fire and Rescue Service / your Electricity Supplier / Distributor (where applicable)
● Air Liquide Europe Business Services (ALEBS) (Finance shared service, for accounting purposes and payments where applicable)
● The Courier service chosen by Air Liquide to deliver the pumps and/or consumables (name, address and contact information only, if applicable)
● Where we are legally obliged in the case of Garda/ Police or Coroners office
● Air Liquide Group (only applicable to those who choose to exercise their rights as stated below)
Air Liquide Healthcare Limited will not share your personal data with a third country or international organisation.

Your Data Subject Access rights

Right of Access

Under the General Data Protection Act (GDPR) and the UK GDPR you, as a service user, have the right to know how your data is being processed and also the right to access your personal data.
Under normal circumstances Air Liquide has 30 calendar days to provide the necessary information. However, if your request for more complex requests, is deemed manifestly unfounded or excessive you may be charged a
small administrative fee and the 30 calendar days to process your request may be extended for up to an additional 60 calendar days. In addition, if you require more than one copy of the information, a small administrative fee may be invoked, at the discretion of the Data Protection Officer.

Other rights under GDPR

You may also have other rights (where applicable), for example the right to have any incorrect or incomplete data corrected, the right to object to processing, the right to restrict processing activities and the right to erasure of your personal data. However, it should be noted that your right is not absolute and will only apply in certain circumstances. If you wish to lodge a complaint regarding how your data is stored or processed please contact the company’s Data Protection Officer (details below). For further information on all your data subject rights, including how to lodge a complaint, please refer to the UK Information Commissioner’s website (if in the UK) or (if in Ireland).
Where you have given consent for Air Liquide to share your data with a third party or for us to process your data in a certain way, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.
All employee requests relating to your rights under the GDPR or UK GDPR should be directed to Air Liquide’s Data Protection Officer and Caldicott Guardian (UK only).

Data Protection Officer

Natasha Bhullar -

Alison Dunne (Ireland) -

Caldicott Guardian

Mike Gardner - (UK)

Privacy Statement Modifications

Air Liquide Healthcare Limited have the right to modify or update this Privacy Statement at any time. Such updates will also be flagged on the website homepage. All such modifications and updates are applicable as soon as they are made.


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Privacy Notice

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Air Liquide Healthcare UK is committed to improving quality of life for people with diabetes. Our healthcare teams provide patients and their loved ones with education, support and personalisation of care.

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